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Panoptix Lens Expert

If you are living with cataracts that are impacting your vision you may be noticing a gradual decline in your clarity of vision. More light may be needed for reading. Night driving may be difficult and you may notice bothersome glare. If you are noticing these changes, it is important to talk to your ophthalmologist as cataract surgery may be able to help. 

During cataract surgery, the cloudy lens of the eye is removed and replaced with an artificial lens implant or IOL. The IOL is a permanent replacement lens that becomes part of the eye. There are many types of IOLs to choose from so it is important to consider your goals and desired vision after cataract surgery. The most important decision is whether you want to continue needing glasses after cataract surgery. If an active lifestyle is important to you, a premium IOL such as a Panoptix IOL can provide a full range of focus allowing distance, intermediate, and near vision without glasses.

If an active lifestyle is important to you, a premium IOL such as a Panoptix IOL can provide a full range of focus allowing distance, intermediate, and near vision without glasses.
See things differently
Data collected 6 months post -up 99.2% of patients would have had the same lens implanted again
1. cataract removal: throught a tiny incision the surgeon removes your clouded lens. 2. Lens insertion: The surgeon replaces your original lens with the panOptix Lens.  3. Vision Renewed: The PanOptix Lens enhances your vision for clear, complete focus.

What is the Panoptix IOL and what makes it different from other IOLs?

The recently FDA approved Panoptix IOL is made by Alcon vision and is a type of multifocal premium IOL. It was updated with a new material in 2022 named the Clareon Panoptix IOL.

Of all available lenses used for cataract surgery, the Clareon lens offers among the highest range of vision for distance, computer, and reading without glasses. Many of us spend several hours each day using a computer and taking on and off reading or computer glasses can be bothersome. In recent trials, over 99% of patients with a Panoptix IOL report that they would choose the lens again for their cataract surgery.

Does the Panoptix IOL treat astigmatism?

The recently FDA approved Panoptix IOL is made by Alcon vision and is a type of multifocal premium IOL. It was updated with a new material in 2022 named the Clareon Panoptix IOL.

Of all available lenses used for cataract surgery, the Clareon lens offers among the highest range of vision for distance, computer, and reading without glasses. Many of us spend several hours each day using a computer and taking on and off reading or computer glasses can be bothersome. In recent trials, over 99% of patients with a Panoptix IOL report that they would choose the lens again for their cataract surgery.

Who is a candidate for the Panoptix IOL?

Desire for freedom from glasses

Cataracts and Presbyopia (need reading glasses)

No prior eye surgery

Clear cornea without scarring or irregularity

Healthy retina

Which IOL will be best for my eye?

Choosing the best intraocular lens is an important and permanent decision. The expert cataract surgeon at Eye Care Specialists Dr. Mark Heimmel will make a recommendation based on your testing and visual goals to help you make the best choice. NJ’s top recommended cataract surgeon knows that every patient is unique and the best IOL for each patient is not the same. Our team at Eye Care Specialists will help guide you and answer all of your questions to help you make the best decision.